Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Titan Entertainment Group

Titan Entertainment Group: "

Calgary's Market Place;

* Area population is over one million
* Elevation is 1,139 metres (3,740 feet)
* Crime rate is among the lowest of any major city in North America.
* Land area is 721+ square kilometers (278.54 square miles)
* A North American Road, Rail, and Air hub.
* A national leader in employment growth.
* The youngest 'average age' population in Canada at 34.
* The most affordable North American city to operate a high-tech business.
Canada's 'Head office' capital, located in the only 'debt free Province'.
Rated cleanest in an international environmental study of 215 global cities.
More than 60% of Calgarians have a post secondary degree.
67.4% of Calgarians have Internet access, the highest in Canada
8,000 hectares of park land and more sunshine than any other Canadian city.
Top 25 city in the world for preference in living.

Calgary site plans
